Time sheet Approval Set Up
Glass Factory has a simple workflow to set up Timesheet Approvals in your company. If your company does not need the workflow, it is optional and can be turned off.
In the main navigation click the dropdown to go to settings. Within settings you will see a few options; we are going to focus on Company Structure and Time sheets
Company Structure and Departments Company structure enables you to set up offices and department managers. If you want timesheets approved by department managers you will need to have this set up. To assign a department manager you:
- Click Company Structure and you will see:
- Choose the appropriate employee from the select list to manage that department. This person will be able to view certain reports and approve/reject time if authorized in the Timesheet settings.
Setting up Timesheets
Going back to settings you can click on Timesheets to see the following options:
- Time sheet Approval
- Time sheet submission
- Billable Time routing
- Non billable time routing
- New business time routing
- Choose if your company wants to have Time sheet approval by selecting "On" or "Off"
Choose if you want team members to actively hit "submit" to make submit their time, or if simply entering time will act as submission by choosing "on" or "off".
- If you choose off but have approvals on, user time will still be routed but on a per entry basis.
Set up Billable time approvals by choosing who should be reviewing and accepting time sheet submissions for projects and clients. We recommend the project manager approve all billable time, since the project manager will likely be creating the plan and managing the work. You have the option of choosing a department manager or custom employee as well. Remember who ever is selected will be responsible for reviewing and approving time for all billable projects.
- For Non Billable work we recommend assigning it to the department manager. If you are a small company, consider a custom employee to handle the review of all non billable time. Approving non billable time helps keep your costs under control.
- For New Business time we recommend having either a New Business lead or Department Manager. Approving new Business helps keep your pitch investments clear.