Team Member Profile

Each team member in Glass Factory has a profile. It is at the discretion of the team member and your company how much of the profile you want to fill in. The more you fill in the better company information you will have. Team Member Profiles appear in the Project Profile when assigned.

As you add and invite Team Members they will receive a welcome email to log into to the system. This invitation activates the Team Member in the system allowing them to be allocated to projects and teams.

When a Team Member logs in they should fill out their profile a Team Member can access their profile by:

  1. Clicking the Down Arrow next to the profile photo on the upper right hand corner of the screen

  2. Clicking Profile from the options in the drop down menu.

A Team Member can also access their profile by going to the TEAM screen and clicking their own Name.


The profile screen is broken into multiple parts, and is where a Team Member can add Skills, Personal Information, Previous Experience and their personal Integrations for use with the Feed feature. A Team Member can also update their password from this screen.

Editing a Profile

  1. From the Profile Screen click Edit Profile.

  2. You can add a photo of yourself by clicking the Camera icon in the profile photo window. Photos or avatars are very helpful for the Assignment Board so you can be easily identified on projects and teams.

  3. Enter in your personal details for Name and Job Title.

  4. Team Member contact information should be entered so other Team Members can easily reach out.

  5. Glass Factory supports auto detection of your social profiles, you can enter LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and others to build a complete snapshot of your Social Network access. Simply enter in a social media link, click enter, and Glass Factory will create a link and label to the network.

  6. Glass Factory enables a Team Member to list and rate their skill set. A team Member can enter an unlimited number of skills: software languages, graphic design programs, levels of expertise within a discipline for example. As a company you may have a recommended set of skills that Team Member should rank.

    A Team Member can type in a skill, then rate the their level of expertise. This Skill with the rating will show in the Team Directory and their individual profile.

  7. A Team Member can enter personal information as well for community purposes including a birthday, hobbies or personal statement.

  8. Team Members can enter past experience as well, this is a good place to see Job History, or enter in the accounts and projects this Team Member has worked on to get a sense of their of professional background. This helps when staffing new Team Members to new projects. We recommend to specify experiences in chronological order from earlier on top to latest below.

  9. Glass Factory supports integrations with multiple types of software to feed in task activity to Time Sheets. If you use Pivotal to manage your task and product development a Team Member can enter the API key here so all of their task updates by project feed into their Time Sheet, and populate Invoice Activity for client reporting. Currently Pivotal and GitHub are supported.

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