
Welcome to Glass Factory's new and robust permissions system. Here we will cover what each of the permissions options mean and offer suggested profiles for Permission Presets you may want to use across your company.

Why Permissions

Glass Factory contains a great deal of financial and personal information for your company and employees. Permissions allow for specific profiles to be created which limit what a user can view and the work flow they can participate in. Permissions are not mandatory for Glass Factory to function, but they are great for adding an additional layer of security around your sensitive data.

1. Viewing Permissions

If you are an account administrator you can view the permissions settings by clicking Settings in the main navigation.

You will be taken to the company settings screens where you set up your rate card, offices, and invoice details.

  • Click the Edit option under the main navigation to see the editable view of you settings.
  • Scroll to the middle of the screen until you see the Permissions header.
  • Click Presets to see the three default presets and to begin creating your own.

2. Presets

Glass Factory starts with three default presets:

  1. Account Admin: This user has full unlimited access to all data and functionality withing Glass Factory and should be used only for company Members that will be managing the tool for your Company.

  2. Team Member: As a Team Member a user can see and edit thier profile; view plans they are resourced on and projects they have been added to as team member. Team Members can enter time in timesheets and the GF Desktop Tracker. A Team Member can not see financial information like rates or reporting.

  3. Spectator: A spectator is any user who is not an active account on Glass Factory but needs access to see plans with no rate information. Spectators are usually clients.

You can edit the presets by changing the permission values when a preset is selected.

3. The Permissions values

We have broken down permissions by function and offered options for you to customize as you need. The following table lists function, and the definition of the permission.

Denied Unlimited Owned Assigned Project
Account Can not Access Company Settings Page or view company level reports. Can access and edit all company settings (rates, departments, roles, offices & and invoice address details) and access company level reports. Additional permissions restrict and allow what data is viewable in Company Level reporting.
Time Tracking
-- View Can not see time sheets for other users Can see all time sheets and time reports for all users Can only see time sheets and time reports for projects they are assigned to.
-- Manage Can not view or approve other people's time sheets. Can view, approve, and enter time in any time sheet or time report for any user. Can view, enter, delete hours from time sheets and time reports assigned to the user Can view, edit, manage and enter time sheets and time reports for team members assigned to a project the user manages.
Project Plan Can not create Plans or choose from Plan Styles Can create plans and choose from plan styles
Department Can not create or delete departments Can create, manage and delete departments
-- View Can not view projects Can view all projects even those not assigned to. Can only view projects you as a team member are assigned to or allocated to.
--Create/Delete Can not create Projects / Clients for the company Can create projects and clients for the company

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