Adding, Inviting, and Editing Team Members
Glass Factory is designed to be collaborative, Team Leads working through assignments, Product and Project Managers managing plans, and of course Team Members tracking their time and activity. Glass Factory created profiles for team members of all types to help track skills, employment history, and of course contact information for a robust office directory.
Adding a team member is simple - all you need is an email address to get started.
From the top navigation click TEAM.
You will be taken to the TEAM Screen where you will be able to add a team member, sort your existing team members, and make edits to individual team members as needed.
Adding a Team Member
From the Team Screen click the + Add Member button to get the add team member drop down.
In the Start Typing field, start to type the email address of the team member you want to add.
Glass Factory will automatically search the database to see if this team member has been added before so you do not have to worry about duplicates.
Fill out the full name of the person in the Name field, then select their speciality (Glass Factory uses the short name you provided in the Team Set up). Click send and your new team member will receive an invite like to Glass Factory.
Invite links have an expiration, follow up with team members after a few days if they have not set up an account.
Making a Team Member an Admin
Glass Factory has some basic permissions based on roles. The current roles are:
Admin - Access to everything
Team Member - Access to projects and time sheets
Spectator - Access to view projects only.
Unless appointed an Admin or Spectator, your users will always default to being a Team Member. Spectators can only be defined at the project level, which will be covered in Planning. You can have many Admins, but we recommend you reserve this level for key company members that need complete access to financials, invoice information, and all company level reporting.
From the Team Section choose a team member you would like to make and admin, by hovering over the user name on the right hand side a Gear graphic will appear.
Tip: When ever you see this icon, it means you can change settings.
Click the Gear and menu options will appear for that user:
Here you can click Promote to Admin and that user will be an Admin for the system. You can also Archive the user if they are no longer with the company, and change the speciality (Role) in case a team member switches groups or skills.